About The Fund

The Lanyon Investment Fund is a value-oriented, long-term, concentrated equity fund. The fund can invest in equities across all market capitalisations and industries but will only invest in securities when they trade at a significant discount to our estimate of their intrinsic value.

The fund can hold cash if suitable opportunities are not available. We conduct comprehensive fundamental analysis and invest when there are opportunities to buy stocks trading at substantial discounts to value.

The fund is managed without any regard to a market benchmark or index. Lanyon does not short securities or use derivatives.

Indicative NAV


About the iNAV

An indicative NAV per Unit (iNAV) will be published on the Fund’s website throughout the ASX Trading Day. The iNAV will be based on the latest closing price of each security, and will take into account proxies (including futures) where a live price is unavailable (for example, if the relevant market is closed). The iNAV reflects the real time movements in stock markets and currencies during the ASX Trading Day and, for securities not trading during the ASX Trading Day, listed proxy instruments selected on the basis of correlations with the underlying investments. The proxies and their correlations with underlying instruments are reviewed regularly and updated as required.
The iNAV represents the best estimate by the Responsible Entity or its appointed agents of the value per unit in the Fund throughout the trading day. No assurance can be given that the iNAV will be published continuously or that it will be up to date or free from error. To the extent permitted by law, neither the Responsible Entity nor its appointed agent shall be liable to any person who relies on the iNAV.